Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Standardized Testing Changed Instruction Method - 870 Words

It was concluded that the teachers believe that standardized testing changed instruction method to only focus on the test. However, they also believe that for a student to achieve on the standardized tests, they need a combination of standard testing curriculum and a teacher’s teaching method, which includes their creativity. Teachers felt they were being held accountable for students test scores and they had to work on â€Å"teach to test† method. Thus, teachers felt creativity was lost in the classroom (Zaheeda 22). Since students are being taught in the â€Å"teach to test† method, they are not taught skills or undergo different learning styles. The teacher participants in the study believed that standardized testing does not adequately measure critical thinking skills, cultural diversity, creativity, learning styles, and learning issues. As mentioned by Zaheed, teachers work with a â€Å"teach to test† method, and Wayne Au has a similar opinion. Wayne Au wrote a journal for the Journal of Curriculum Studies, and analyzed teaching methods in this era. According to Au, high-stake testing is affecting United States classroom practices. These tests promoted standardized teaching, which â€Å"disempowers and deskills teachers.† Standardized testing has narrowed the school curriculum to match the tests (Au 30). These high-stakes testing changed teacher practices in the New Taylorism (Au 31). According to Au, â€Å"teaching under the New Taylorism has increasingly become a technical operation, oneShow MoreRelatedStandardized Testing Should Be Discontinued887 Words   |  4 PagesYears ago, standardized testing was introduced to school systems to measure capability and knowledge of the students. The tests were supposed to help point out issues in the school’s instruction method and to encourage the adm inistration to fix the problems. 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